If you are being told that your camera is being used by another application, or you see the error message "We can't access your camera and microphone," follow these instructions:
- Click the Apple icon in the top left of your computer, then go to System Preferences.
- Go to Security & Privacy, then click the Privacy tab
- Ensure your browser is selected to have access for both Camera and Microphone options.
- Quit, then reopen the browser.
- Open Start menu in the lower left corner of your screen and go to Settings, then the Privacy tab.
- Scroll down to Camera and Microphone.
- Make sure Allow access to the camera on this device is toggled on.
- Ensure that Allow apps to access your camera is toggled on.
If you're using a Lenovo device, open the Start menu and search for Lenovo Vantage. Ensure camera and mic are toggled on.