During therapy sessions on the Tava Video platform, you will be asked to allow access to your camera and microphone. If you accidentally block these permissions, don't worry! We'll help you fix it.
If your camera and microphone are blocked in your Chrome browser, follow these instructions to re-enable them for your Tava therapy session.
Chrome on Mac or Windows
In the far right of your URL bar at the top of your browser, there is a small Camera icon with a red X.
Click it, and then select Always allow. Then refresh the page by clicking the refresh button on the far left.
As another option, if you don't see the Camera icon, you can also click the three dots on the far right, then click Settings. On the Chrome Settings tab that will open, scroll down to Site Settings under Privacy and Security. From there, click the Tava website from the list that appears and then turn Camera and Microphone to Allow.
Make sure https://care.tavahealth.com is not blocked in your Chrome settings (not system settings for Chrome, but from within Chrome itself) by going to Chrome > Settings > Site Settings > Microphone.
3. Select Chrome from your list of installed apps.
4. Open Permissions and ensure your camera and microphone are toggled on.
5. Quit then re-open your Chrome app.
See other browser instructions here.