Changing therapists once or twice before finding the right fit is common and completely normal. We are here to help you through it!
It's easy to change therapists on Tava. Simply click “Change Therapist” next to your therapist's photo in your Tava account.
Select a reason for making a change. No changes will be made until after you choose and confirm a new therapist. Once the change is confirmed, we'll let your therapist know the reason selected, but not the details in your comment. There is no "wrong" reason to make a change. Even if you're just not sure and want to keep exploring, that is totally valid!
Then, you'll be able to filter all available options to select a new therapist.
When you've chosen a new therapist, you'll be able to schedule your next session. This will also cancel your scheduled appointments with your current therapist. The change will not go into effect until you confirm.